Ghazala for Virginia


I served with Senator Hashmi, and I know firsthand that there is no one more dedicated and more passionate about standing up for our ideals and values. Whether it’s reproductive freedom or public education or the environment, Ghazala is always there, always fighting.

John Bell

Former State Senator, Loudoun

I'm proud to support Ghazala for Lieutenant Governor. I've worked closely with her over the last five years and I know her absolute commitment to reproductive freedom, fully funded public schools and gun violence prevention. She has the intellect, the passion and the skills to be an outstanding candidate and excellent Lieutenant Governor.

Betsy Carr


I am grateful for Ghazala's guidance and leadership as a progressive champion in the General Assembly, continually standing up for reproductive freedom, public schools and LGBTQ+ Virginians. Even as the Governor and Republicans tried to gut her bills this session, she never backed down in the face of opposition.

Rae Cousins


Ghazala and I share parts of Richmond and Chesterfield so I know firsthand how hard she works, how dedicated she is to doing what's right and how passionate she is to stand up for Democratic principles.

Mike Jones


I’m so glad to see Ghazala running for Lieutenant governor. Ghazala is running, just as she did for the State Senate and for all the right reasons – to fight for those who are too often voiceless and to improve the lives of all our families. I am so proud to support her.

Patrick Hope

Delegate, Arlington

I’m supporting Senator Ghazala Hashmi for Lieutenant Governor because I know she will stand for our values and our hard fought Democratic accomplishments. With her proven track record in improving education, economy, and healthcare she will continue to bring the best for Virginians.

Kannan Srinivasan

Delegate, Loudoun

Ghazala will be an outstanding Lieutenant Governor. She will be loud and proud about Democratic values, she will never back down, no matter who comes after her. She will always be working every day so all Virginians have opportunity, fairness and justice.

Rodney Willett

Delegate, Henrico

As a local elected official, I have worked closely with Ghazala. She is a true servant leader who puts in the hard work to deliver meaningful change for the working families of our community and for families across the Commonwealth.

Andreas Addison

Richmond City Councilmember

Ghazala is the leader we need in a Lieutenant Governor. She has a proven track record of uplifting people through policy, backing her compassion with action and working overtime to deliver for the Commonwealth. She sets an example of “walking the walk” and is an exemplary servant leader.

Stephanie Lynch

Richmond City Councilmember

Ghazala has shown me, by example, how to serve as a newly elected official. She has demonstrated, through her own work ,the importance of standing up for principle and governing by values. Ghazala does not let anyone scare her, not the governor, not his MAGA acolytes and I remember that in my service. Thank you, Ghazala, and I am proud to support you.

Mark Miller

Chesterfield Supervisor

As a newly elected Supervisor, who won in a big upset, I can speak personally to Senator Hashmi’s commitment to helping other Democrats and to truly being there for candidates and for local activists. She was at so many of my events, always encouraging, always helping. She made a huge difference in my race and in all the races in my area.

Jessica Schneider

Chesterfield Supervisor

Ghazala demonstrates daily her commitment to our children and families and is always on the front lines of supporting our public schools and colleges.

Kenya Gibson

Richmond School Board Member

I enthusiastically support Ghazala for Lieutenant Governor because she is the strongest champion for the issues Virginians care about most - protecting reproductive freedom and access to healthcare, keeping communities safe from gun violence, supporting public schools, safeguarding our natural resources, and ensuring Virginia builds a thriving economy that works for ALL of us. Ghazala is a woman of integrity who has consistently demonstrated she has the experience, temperament, and empathy to lead at this level. Her actions match her words no matter how difficult a decision, proving she is the clear choice for Lieutenant Governor.

Amanda Pohl

Chesterfield County Clerk of Court

I have spent my career, and, frankly, my retirement, fighting for civil rights, fighting to undo the 400 years of racism here. And Ghazala has been a faithful partner in this critical work. She works every day to improve public education and to serve all of her constituents as a responsive public servant. I am so excited to endorse her.

Clarence Dunnaville

Civil Rights Leader

I first met Ghazala in 2019 when she was an underdog candidate and I quickly realized that in her quiet, understated way, she has a backbone of steel, and she has shown that in her years in the State Senate. I have no doubt she will bring that quality to the office of lieutenant governor and keep Democratic values and ideals forefront in that role.

Bill Leighty

Former Kaine & Warner Chief of Staff

Ghazala Hashmi is the experienced, progressive leader we need as our next Lieutenant Governor. Her record as a leader in the Senate and her work building the Democratic Party show that she is committed to making Virginia better for all of us.

Alexsis Rodgers

Democratic Community Leader and Former Richmond Mayoral Candidate

As a former local chair and former candidate for delegate, I have been very fortunate to see Ghazala’s work from many angles. I've seen how she supports Democratic activists, and how she mentors and counsels candidates. But one thread goes through all her efforts- her commitment to our Democratic values such as reproductive freedom, gun violence prevention, public education and saving our earth from the ravages of climate change. I am so proud to support her in this next endeavor.

Larry Barnett

Former Candidate for Delegate and Former Chair, CCDC

As a Richmonder, I have watched Ghazala from when she first ran for State Senate as an underdog, both in the primary and the general election. I saw her steadfast commitment to our issues, her incredible work ethic and her intelligence which is how I know she will be such a great Lieutenant Governor.

Ed Jewett

Richmond City Clerk of Court

I am excited to support Ghazala for Lieutenant Governor. In her five years as a Senator, I have watched her fight for the voiceless, for those without power, and for those in the margins who struggle. Ghazala is always there for minority communities and to advocate for every Virginian to have the opportunity to thrive.

Paul Berry

Former President of the Virginia Latino Advisory Board

Estoy orgulloso de apoyar a Ghazala para Vicegobernadora. En sus cinco años como Senadora, la he visto luchar por los sin voz, por aquellos sin poder y por los que están en los márgenes. Ghazala siempre está ahí para las comunidades minoritarias y para abogar para que cada virginiano tenga la oportunidad de prosperar.

Paul Berry

Ex-presidente de la Junta Asesora de los Latinos en Virginia

As a longtime public school educator, the Founder of the Northside Coalition for Children, Inc. and a member of the Richmond School Board, public education and ensuring all our children have opportunity is central to who I am. I am very excited to support Senator Ghazala Hashmi for Lieutenant Governor because I know Ghazala shares my devotion to our children and ensuring their success. As a State Senator she has advocated fiercely for our public schools and I know that will continue when she is our Lieutenant Governor.

Dr. Shonda Harris-Muhammed

Richmond City School Board